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Galleries > miscellaneous > 179 Images
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There are a lot of unusual things in this category, from bullet moulds for casting your own pellets, to moderator inserts and bolt handles.

Hopefully there'll be some more unusual things here soon …… I like a challenge!

Gallery last updated 13th March 2012

Aluminium Steyr air stripper on gun
Aluminium STEYR air stripper showing graduated stainless steel stripper cone
Aluminium STEYR air stripper
Aluminium STEYR Airstripper, Graduated Stainless steel stripper cone closeup
Aluminium STEYR Airstripper components, side view
Aluminium STEYR Airstripper components
B Square bipod adapter
Bipod bracket Jewelled
Blued steel air stripper with graduated stainless steel cone and key
Blued steel air stripper with graduated stainless steel cone fitted and key
Blued steel air stripper with graduated stainless steel cone fitted on barrel (UNF thread fitting)
Blued steel airstripper assembled directly on barrel 1
Blued steel airstripper assembled directly on barrel 2
Blued steel airstripper body and bolt for Rapid MFR
Blued steel and black Delrin bolt for Rapid MFR
Brass and blued steel Leupy swivel type stock sling attachment 2
Brass and blued steel Leupy swivel type stock sling attachment
Circular mould parts
Circular mould
Collection of alumilium trigger shoes
Crosman Breech block and jewelled steel components 2
Crosman Breech block and jewelled steel components
Crosman with RJ Machine Block and magazine inlet to forward reach mount (also note valve attachment)
Crosman with RJ Machine Block and magazine inlet to forward reach mount 2

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