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There are a lot of unusual things in this category, from bullet moulds for casting your own pellets, to moderator inserts and bolt handles.

Hopefully there'll be some more unusual things here soon …… I like a challenge!

Gallery last updated 13th March 2012

Parts for my lathe, Quick change toolpost lever assembled closeup
Parts for my lathe, Quick change toolpost lever assembled
Parts for my lathe, Quick change toolpost lever in parts
Quickchange tool T handle with square socket, complete
Quickchange tool T handle with square socket, under construction - took me a while to figure out how to cut the socket !
Quickchange tool T handle with square socket, view 1
Quickchange tool T handle with square socket, view 2
Rapid 7 bolt knob redesign (polished stainless steel and black Delrin), closeup
Rapid 7 bolt knob redesign with original
Rapid 7 bolt knob under construction
Rapid bolt knob, Leupy oil blued steel
Rapid bolt knobs, Leupy oil blued steel and original
Replacement .25 Rapid barrel, jewelled oil blued sleeved, checked and ported for optimal linearity
Selection of aluminium pickle bushes for Stealth
Selection of M2.5 handled allen keys
Selection of Rapid 7 bolt handles with original
Set of Delrin spacers and spring centraliser for ultra fine tuning
Some press parts I made for producing beer can washers for moderators
Spacer packs
Special valve stem with original top hat
SS adapter and stripper on STEYR
Stainless Bolt
Stainless steel air stripper and adapter on STEYR
Stainless steel air stripper flutes

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