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stealth mods and parts

Stealth Gallery last updated 20th March 2012

A fully Leupyd Stealth
A selection of aluminium pickle bushes
A selection of high-tech plastic hammers for different barrel diameters
Aluminium .25cal breechslide with fully sculpted SS knob, barrel mounted
Aluminium .25cal breechslide with fully sculpted SS knob, side profile 2
Aluminium .25cal breechslide with fully sculpted SS knob 2
Aluminium .25cal breechslide with fully sculpted SS knob side profile
Aluminium .25cal breechslide with fully sculpted SS knob
Aluminium and Delrin 2 piece Stealth UNF frame adapter, round end type
Aluminium and Delrin 2 piece Stealth UNF frame adapter, square end type-
Aluminium and Delrin 3 part Stealth UNF frame adapter
Aluminium breech slide showing O ring undercut

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